Pool fun with Daddy

All the boys

Hanging out with Uncle Steve

Just before anembarrassing shuffleboard loss...

Kate makes dinner for the group(butternut squash ravioli)

Jacksonville Zoo today-It was so hot, even though we got there nice and early!

Ollie loved the train

"Those are snakes Dad!"
Ollie didn't nap very well today, despite being exhausted after going to the zoo this morning. He slept about 45 minutes and woke up very stiff and irritable. His neck seems to be hurting him a lot and when we tried to go out to dinner tonight he was miserable before we even pulled out of our parking space so the uncles are bringing us some take out from Sonny's BBQ instead.
We've been watching The Lion King and trying to get him comfortable. We gave him some medicine but even the smallest movement causes him to wince. This has happened before, and after a good rest he's felt better. Let's hope this is the case again.

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