Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Chris is on his way to the FedEx warehouse to pick up round 2 of Oliver's Team bracelets. They tried to drop them off at the house yesterday but left a note saying we needed to sign for the package, or sign the bottom slip and leave it on the door. So we signed the slip and left it on the door, but forgot to unlock the screen door so they could get it! Today they left a second note today, saying "Screen door was locked" with a little sad face next to it. So rather than wait till tomorrow Chris is driving to get them right now.
We had no idea so many people would be purchasing them, we are thrilled to see all the support around us.  So if you still haven't gotten yours, you should be getting them soon!

A special thank you to Kate, Josh and James for the amazing Disney care package they sent to Oliver today, so many fun toys!! Oliver LOVES the car because it lights up and makes noise. Here he is playing with it...

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