He practiced sitting in his chair for school and did a great job!
I had a really hard time filling out the health assessment record for the State of Connecticut. Those forms are simply not meant for children like Oliver and I couldn't help but think how unfair life was as I filled it out. One section has you circle Yes or No for a long list of heath concerns.
The first question is "Are there any health concerns?" Wow, yes. I envy the parent that gets to circle "No" and move on to the next page of the packet. No moving on for us, I circle yes. Daily medications? Yes. Problems with vision? Yes. Speech issues? Yes. Problems breathing? Coughing? Yes. Yes. It seemed to go on and on and with each additional yes I circled I just became more and more sad. This shouldn't be how I fill out my child's paperwork for his first day of preschool! I should get to circle "No" and move on and talk about how he loves building with blocks and crashing cars into walls! I should get to circle "No" and write about how good he is at sharing and plays well with others. I should get to circle "No" to questions like "Is ability to use hands a concern?" and" Is moving from one place to another a concern?" But life is not fair, and I don't get to. Yes. Yes.
The worst section was the "Developmental" section. Question 1: Are there delays? Well yes, I guess, but there is so much more to it than a simple yes or no! He wasn't always developmentally delayed, in fact, he was ahead in most areas, horrific MLD just sent him cruelly flying backwards developmentally. And to me the word "delayed" implies being behind in something, but some day perhaps, the possibility to "catch up". Oliver will never get that opportunity. I ended up crossing this whole section out.
Finally I reached the end of the page and laughed out loud at what I saw.
"Please explain all "yes" answers in the space provided below." This was followed by a single 8inch line. Ha! I'd circled over 25! I just wrote "see diagnosis" and signed the bottom.
On a happier note Uncle Steve is over today and Ollie is in a very happy mood. (Though he doesn't show it in this picture)

We also cut his hair this morning.

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