Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bringing Oliver out to places can be a lot of fun, especially places like the aquarium or toy store, but recently we've been getting lots of stares and uncomfortable/uncertain faces in our direction. I try my best to ignore it, but it's there, people can't seem to help it. They're probably just wondering what's wrong with him, but rather than ask, or even smile kindly at us, some people stare and stare like he's some kind of weirdo. It makes me so angry! I even saw a woman today turn to her friend, put her hand over her mouth, and whisper something. Hello! I can see you, you're 5 feet away!

Last week coming out of Kohls a woman stopped and laughed at Oliver.

I don't think she realized he wasn't able to walk on his own. At least that's the only justification I can think of. I really hope that's the case. Maybe she thought we were just pushing our toddler around like a king, in a wheelchair with head supports and a pillow underneath his legs? It was so bizarre. She was carrying a young baby of her own and she actually stopped walking, looked down at Oliver and up at us and started laughing! I wasn't sure whether to yell or cry, but before I could even think she was already out the door.

It ruined my day. That weird woman got to go home and cuddle her healthy little girl and I went home and cuddled my terminally ill son who she had laughed at.


  1. I'm so sorry people have no manners at all. You guys are great.

  2. People can be so cruel. How one mother could do that to another mother is disgusting. Keep your head up because there is a whole community out here who have your back.

  3. This saddens me to no end. I can understand if someone was caught staring by accident, but then they can give you a sympathetic smile or a reassuring nod of the head. The laughing woman - absolutely no excuse for that. She doesn't know the circumstances & I would hope, had she known the circumstances, this wouldn't even have been an issue. Shame on her. She should count her blessings that her child is healthy. If the shoe was on the other foot, I wonder how she would feel if someone laughed at HER child?

  4. Unfortunatly people will only see what they want to see. Which works to my advantage cause all I see is a beautiful little boy who just radiates warmth and love! I mean just look at those pictures!!! How could you not wanna squeeze his adorable cheeks! People rather than have the courage to ask the question will hide behind akward laughter. Its so easy to get mad and want to yell at them, but in the end it doesn't matter. The people that matter and love Ollie see nothing but a loving little boy with an awesome super comfy wagon and stroller. Watch out Ollie cause he is going to have to fight me for a place in that wagon when I come to see him!! Luv you guys!!! xxooo

  5. I wish that I would run into the 3 of you out in the world somewhere! I would tell you both what amazing people you are! The love you have for your son, and the care you are taking of him....EVERYONE should be witness to it. You don't know me, but I think of the 3 of you often and pray for all of you. You have amazing lessons to teach everyone.... Thank you for sharing your precious little boy with us. I loved the picture of you all in your halloween hats! Keep smiling, please don't let those few rude people get you down.

  6. You need to say something back to them. You will feel better, tell them I know he's so handsome but you don't need to stare!!! Some people manners are getting worse in public then they have ever been.

  7. How sad to be that woman. I always thought that once you are a mother you are a mother to all children. That no mother could see a child in distress and not out. Unfortunately it's not the case. My Seamus was always terrified of Stew Leonards but once I had no choice but to bring him. He screamed like made, he was a sweaty, terrified mess. A woman saw him and not only did she start laughing at him but brought her teenage daughters over to laugh at him too. I commend you for holding your tongue because I didn't which really didn't help Seamus at all. At least you can rest easy knowing that you aren't the kind of person who could do that to a child, or a family. How horrible to have to be her.

  8. Ask Nina Irene her solution for people staring. She has one of the best tricks ever. Sarah, Em, and Libby

  9. that is so sad.we deal with it all the time with our daughter.i expect the children to stare but the adults are the ones that get us upset .the other day i was at the mall and this woman wouldnt stop lookin at Brianna so i got right in her face and yelled "what are you looking at".like its not hard enough having a child with medical issues.
