Now the not so cute....
On Friday I found out that I have Lyme disease. I had a fever Wednesday and Thursday and it felt a lot like the flu, aches, chills etc. On Friday morning I woke up with a huge bullseye rash on my upper hip, okay, okay, my upper tush really. How a sneaky little tick found its way there is a mystery. I went running at Lover's Leap earlier in the week and Chris and I had been to Harrybrook Park on a walk with Ollie last week, but I certainly wasn't frolicking around in my birthday suit. Oh well. Naughty little tick. So I went to the Dr right away and sure enough, Lyme disease. Now I'm on 21 days worth of antibiotics and let's hope that's enough. I'm feeling better already, almost 18 hours of no fever. Still achy and a little dizzy. It's just so crazy. I've been a runner my entire life, I've run in the woods and state parks hundreds upon hundreds of times and maybe once pulled a tick off of me, and now I get Lyme disease? Ugh. I really need to thank my brother Steven and brother inlaw Greg, they really stepped in and helped a lot the past few days. Steven stayed over Friday, all day Saturday and Saturday night to help Chris with Ollie. And Greg is here today and tonight to help out too. We have a great family. And thank you Virginia for the super delicious chicken and salad! Yummy!
And no, I will not post a picture of the bullseye, so please stop asking! ;) hehe
Those ticks can be super sneaky! Even if you haven't been in the woods, they can jump on you when you're out in the lawn or wherever. I know people who have gotten Lyme's several times so I often wear bug spray because I'm super paranoid now. Glad you're starting to feel better, though, and I'm glad yours and Chrs' brothers are there to help :)