Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This disease is horrible, it has already taken so much. 

We found ourselves watching Iphone videos on our computer as Oliver napped today. They may have only been from a few months ago ago but the difference between what Oliver could do then and now is so clear that it brought us to tears. 

Months ago we knew he was struggling with walking, but when an experienced Doctor explained to us that it is was "tight heal cords" and "he'll have no problem participating in sports when he's older." you tend to believe him. You want to believe him. Despite your doubts, you choose to believe him over what your eyes are actually seeing.

Watching the videos:

In December he could squat down and pick up toys while walking around.

In January he could walk around the house in his Frankenstein way,(at the time we noticed an issue and made a Dr appt which couldn't be fulfilled until March 2012)

In February he could still walk around the house but needed to be holding on to walls or walking toys

In March he could still take independent steps if we motivated him

In April he could still crawl or walk while holding on to our hand

In May he could walk while holding both hands and sometimes with one hand. 

 Not only has his walking been impacted, but he used talk all of the time and now we only get an occasional word or two. He would try to say everything, his voice was clear, strong and adorable. He used to crawl, roll over, sit up without assistance, reach for toys, interact with books, and feed himself. None of which he does now. He still smiles and laughs, and for this we are so greatful.

Tonight, as I held him in my arms and rocked him to sleep, I could not stop staring at his peaceful, beautiful face. He is an angel here on earth. How will we ever say goodbye to him?

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