Saturday, July 20, 2013

Antibiotic round ?

It's the last day of Oliver's 4th antibiotic for his aspiration pneumonia. It was a 10 day course, and while we didn't get to the point where his lungs sounded clear, we had seen a few improvements. His coloring had returned to normal, the mottling had disappeared, his eyes have been clear and alert, and he hasn't had a fever since last Saturday... Overall it was just his lungs we were waiting on. Despite his improved outward appearance they still sounded crackly, which we learned, with enough damage that's just how people with really sick lungs might sound, even if they don't have pneumonia. So we were kind of prepared for that to be his "new normal", crackly lungs but not necessarily fighting off an infection.

Well today, day 10 of 10, he has a fever again, his breathing is juicy and labored and he's pale. His Dr. called in a prescription for the same antibiotic he just finished. We're not sure if she thinks it will really help him, or if it's just because we're not willing to stop fighting. I mean, we thought it was working, at least it appeared to be working, he was definitely doing better. But now he's doing worse again. Did he aspirate again? Is this a new pneumonia, or the same he's been battling? We can't see a reason not to give it to him. There are many interventions we won't subject him to in an effort to prolong his life, such as a ventilator, a trach, and trips to the ER, but an antibiotic that goes right into his GJ tube with his formula, we can't see not trying that for him, even if it's just for a few more smiles.


  1. Perfect call. No one can blame you for wanting to see that wonderful smile. Hope this round works. Still praying.

  2. Maybe he just needs a few more days with that antibiotic. His smile is sure worth a try. You have made all the right decisions so far, so this is just another good one. Praying daily for all of you.

  3. Praying for Oliver. xoxoxox.

  4. I agree and you both will know when its time. Still praying for you all.

  5. Prayers for you all

  6. Praying for you and your precious son.

  7. Hoping the antibiotics work for him! You guys are a testament to what great parents are! Thinking & praying for you & Oliver always!

  8. Katie- wishing you all the best and hope your family finds peace. There are no words one can say to comfort you. But please knows my heart is with you as I know many others are. I pray for you and your family. Xoxo. Danielle Seifert
