Friday, June 28, 2013

Losing battle

Oliver has pneumonia.

6th time in 3 months.

He only finished his antibiotic on Wednesday and had clear lungs for a total of ONE day. Every bout weakens his lungs more and more making him even more susceptible to it happening again.

It's a losing battle.


  1. All I have to do is think of Oliver and I completely forget about complaining about ANYthing.

  2. I'm just so sorry. This sucks. You are all in my prayers.

  3. How frustrating this is for you all...maybe when they layed him flat for the g/j tube he aspirated again and this is just temporary, sometimes a switch up in antibiotics is helpful. Praying for you all.

  4. Praying for you... Oliver, Katie and Chris!!! You are always in my thoughts!

  5. I am praying for you all. Stay strong.

  6. Poor little guy, can't seem to catch a break. If I could take all six bouts of pneumonia for him I would. My heart breaks for all three of you.

  7. I am so sorry your beautiful son and your family has to go through this. A very close friend of mine had a son that was born with MLD and everyday was a struggle and a triumph rolled into one. I was with her and was his in home nurse through it all. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. I wish I could do more to help your amazing little boy.

  8. Poor little man. I wish you peace from this struggle .
