Oliver had an appointment this morning with his neurologist. Not much has changed really since we saw him 2 months ago, which is good, but we did discuss the urine retention issue. He has by the way had many wet diapers the past two days since we changed the Robinul to 2x/day instead of 3x. No one really knows exactly what's causing it, so it's all going to be trial and error. He advised we drop the Robinul and try the
scopolamine patch. Which is a small patch that we'd stick behind Oliver's ear to help with secretions. According to the neurologist it has less side effects like the urine retention and constipation. We're dropping off the script now and will start it right away. Ollie has a busy day today, he had that appointment at 11, physical therapy at 1, and a visit from his hospice nurse at 3. Hopefully we can fit in some outside time today because it's beautiful out!
Here he is falling asleep at his appointment. :) Doesn't he look handsome in blue?
I hope that the patch works for Ollie.He is so wonderful with what he's been through.God Bless all of you.your in my prayers day and night. With everything you've been through,you are so strong.I hope that the patch works.Love all of you.Please give Ollie a hug and kiss for me.